Follow @ARenaissanceMan THE EXPRESSION: 2011

About Me

I am a work in progress, striving to maximize my creative expression, as I endeavor to make the world a better place than I found it.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Time flows by unseen, you are anchored in the past plotting your future.Too busy minding the business of tomorrows and yesterdays..
I shook the hands of time, got him for his wrist watch.
Time may not exist
existence may not have much time..
Genocide, Children die, money drives governments to collide, as they lie, loving the bloody bullet.
They pull it, the strings...
we are puppets in a show, only controlled by another because we allow.. we only give them as much power as we allow.
We only allowed them to have control over us because we failed to take the time to gain control over ourselves.. our ideas, our beliefs and our dreams..
You are where you start, when planning on changing things..
Seeing things, a visionary looking to see his vision clearly...searching for creative ways to express the inexpressible..
once our ears are cleared of the wax of ego,
we will hear freedom ring
at the highest decibel

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Internationale ~ Eugene Pottier

Arise ye workers from your slumbers
Arise ye prisoners of want
For reason in revolt now thunders
And at last ends the age of cant.
Away with all your superstitions
Servile masses arise, arise
We'll change henceforth the old tradition
And spurn the dust to win the prize.

So comrades, come rally
And the last fight let us face
The Internationale unites the human race.
So comrades, come rally
And the last fight let us face
The Internationale unites the human race.

No more deluded by reaction
On tyrants only we'll make war
The soldiers too will take strike action
They'll break ranks and fight no more
And if those cannibals keep trying
To sacrifice us to their pride
They soon shall hear the bullets flying
We'll shoot the generals on our own side.

No saviour from on high delivers
No faith have we in prince or peer
Our own right hand the chains must shiver
Chains of hatred, greed and fear
E'er the thieves will out with their booty
And give to all a happier lot.
Each at the forge must do their duty
And we'll strike while the iron is hot.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Good Love

We are proud of what we each believe

But should our love intercede

We both need a future

For all our unborn dreams

We both need good love

M.S. Morrison

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


go ahead take my picture, just shoot me....
dying is like fallin, fallin, droppin from the sky, into HOLYness, disappearing from all the rest..
take it from the side..
take it upside down..
either way your on the ground.
do you live life by what you hear? mmm thts ashame my dear.
now that your gone you want to go back but you've just been found.
you need sum assistance? well too bad, ahead of you is a long distance.
Yea i said it, have you read it?
what can you do, a fruit is a fruit but you can't change an apple into an orange.
do what is possible, what god gave you the ability to do
this isn't no law, nothin to be legalized, YOU have to REALIZE
its something you live by
closer then your neighborhood wal-mart
its a human art
God created it from the start
i don't just find anything i find everything
it is sometimes unattainable, then i knw everything i want is gainable
a child who is home grown, in there lil body i knw there isn't a bad bone
tell them not to follow the wrong road cuz if they do there minds explode
everyone always talking about wanting peace
stop talkin bout it then war wud decrease
do something for me ? can you do me a favor?
yea. yea. yea. yea. yea.
well you should be a lil braver
take this moment to savor
every bit of flavor
not everything will always be sweet
it isn't yet complete
don't taste nothin if you anit real meat...!?
well i said wht i thought

your attention? was it caught?
if so, maybe, just maybe you will find your next dish...

This is just a taste of what`s to come from Violeta Vidacak.

Check her out at @flochildvee

Monday, October 10, 2011


Night falls on my perfect abode as I gaze through the window.The sun sets slowly in the distance,leaving only gazes and whispers of yesterday..The colors, yellow and red above and below, this life`s shadow, and deadened trances guided by someone else`s star..The imagination ill from malnutrition.. We can only see as far, As they show.


They will reach for us.. For what’s beyond those shadows. is the story’s they can teach..We may view them as dead and unlived but their growth, they may flourish and thrive..Ultimately, we have to be, to word Life, is sad, sad is only what we allow it be.. But we need to take the words for them.All Life has a right to live!


Unique universe, on the earth and in the sky, writing our new love with the stars.. Drum major feelings, the heart beating, creating the bass..keeping our hearts in rhythm... the conscience is a witness, hope, dread and relief.These life-less or (love-less) bodies, falling down around us both, because they can`t keep up..Oh!! what beauty remains---our hearts moving to the never ending waltz..

Sickly Untitled

We tried to speak, but our throats were clogged with a thick mucus: the reason, of lies. We tried to listen, but our ears were clogged with the wax of ego.We tried to touch, but we had the belief of death take our feeling.. We tried to see, but were blinded by the darkness of doubt. We tried to move to the rhythms of life, but somebody stopped the record from spinning.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

#OccupyWallStreet Occupy Protests, #OccupyYourMind #OccupyAllStreets

Not only do we need a complete revolution and overhaul of the entire world financial infrastructure,to create equality in a monetary sense,but we need a complete revolution on how we view each other, how we treat each other, how we feel about ourselves..Because when you see yourself, and love yourself you don`t want to hurt anyone else. When you love yourself, you treat others as an equal.This will only happen when the being identifying itself as human realizes that he, she or it is just a single consciousness, expressing itself through it's creations or DNA with having an illusion of there being many or "others" around him. The consensus reality of having such illusion of duality is the primary source of most if not all conflict on this earth. Any type of "Money" or currency is the source of all competition and destruction in this world.Its the secondary leading cause of separation..Instead with the new understanding of unity conciousness must come the currency of love and giving.The power of love will revolutionize everything.Its not about black, white, brown, yellow, orange, blue, purple. Its about the people. Unicity! When one comes up we all shall rise together


Went back in time.. 1971 to be exact, the forefront of the fight back. (Algiers).. Was in exile with the Cleavers..Eldridge lost a bit of spirit, but his passion was still in line, I wrote poems of the time, learned from their demeanor. Had convos with Kathleen, felt the core, the heart of the movement, learned that it was no longer about them..they only cared about the improvement.
Of their people
They no longer cared about their own well being.
to get lost in the nature of her sacrifice, I wondered/take my life/so that they may live and die a thousands time over
I thought I knew it all, they knew more about my time, than I knew of theirs..Broke down the system we lived in/ called it Slaves of The Next Generation, living on a perpetual state of mental welfare...
Called Angela on the phone, they said to give her a ring... I said I only want to know of one thing...What is in a Revolution? What is the true content of a Revolution? Simply put, Revolution is not about the violence and war you wage on foot..The real content of any kind of Revolutionary Thrust, lies in the principles and goals you are striving for, not in the way you reach them.
On foot.
Met with Sto Car in Guinea...used up my last bit of "sense" to reach him..I woke, realizing my mind at the moment was broke. to be continued....

Thursday, October 6, 2011

"State of Our Society - A High School Tirade - 2008 "

The regular american citizen is like a cow grazing, unaware of what happens in the bigger picture. The regular american citizen sits on his couch, watches his favorite reality shows, gets double cheeseburguers from the dollar menu, goes out at night to see girls, that love to show themselves but wouldn't know what corporal contact with real affection really is (this mentality of showing off is another interesting topic about the country, even the buildings are like gigantic falic demonstrations), and lives a confortable life that demands no thinking whatsoever. Things are cheap, as are most of the people, things are easy (there are even vehicles for the obese inside the supermarkets) and almost every kind of process feeds itself back, growing larger without serving an ulterior purpose (the fashion industry is a good, although very small, example: the tendencies change each year, but what's pretty is pretty, what's ugly is ugly, and time won't change that). While the regular american citizen consumes, he is the gear that moves a huge machine, the big corporations. The big corporations, while formed by bovine citizens -- and not having a mind itself --, are still able to control people's mentality and attitude, only to grow larger and satisfy some kind of bizarre internal hunger.

Or you can think of it like this.

I believe sheep is the animal ... A regular american citizen is nothing more than sheep being herded by corporations and the media through their regular lives. Buying Ipods because they are "cool". Wearing a certain brand of clothing because people think its "cool". Buying Starbucks because the perception that it carries. Its funny because half of those starbucks customers bitch about how walmart is killing the regular mom and pop stores and then turn around and buy their coffee from the the corporation that is responsible for the same in the coffee shop industry.

Why? Just because thats the perception the media has continued to feed you. SHEEP. Sheep being herded along the way by what the media wants them to believe. Sheep that dont have the curiousity to actually think for themselves.

This is no different than politics. Why else do you think GW Bush was able to convince the entire country that Iraq did have the imaginary Weapons of Mass Destruction. Why is it that when you ask people why US invaded Iraq, their response is 9/11.

We have all lost sense of priority and value. To find it again we must find ourselves and realize the power and value we possess.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


See Yourself...Love Yourself

An undiscovered beauty in the things we can not see
Buried beneath the soil lie the roots of your own tree,
We all possess a strength of some kind or so
But stumbling on our blocks we are sure to never grow,
Part of the journey is to recognize your worth
For no two are the same as you search upon the earth,
Never be afraid of the chances one must take,

The strongest Stallions out there are ones one had to break,

Reckless was her spirit as she ran that prairie side,

They called him the "Horse Whisperer" cause he harnessed strength inside,

Not your typical story of a Legend from the West

A man that possess' truth will separate him from the rest,

Keep in mind the ol illusion of all the glitters in the gold

The truest truths are Priceless in the stories your life holds.

Inspired by Brooklyn. Love

I got lost in Greek Windfalls and Secrets...
the movement of your fingers, in mine
dancing on those frets...
tuning my heart
.. serenade echo
:first verse
When we were young,
in yesterday`s tomorrow
love was a game
with our eyes closed
seeing with the heart
we'd often dance -
our hearts were wild and yet so tame
beneath a rainbow of romance
We shared a touch and then a song
tasting the wine that lovers do
holding each other
In the Moment
but not long
not long enough, to know the truth
Then one day, I chose to free our song bird
- she did not want to leave my hand,
tonight she rides the wind
maybe my love
she'll understand . .

Friday, September 30, 2011

Saul Williams - Not In Our Name: A Pledge To Resist

the pledge to resist:
we believe that as people living in the united states it is our responsibility to resist the injustices done by our government in our names.

not in our name will you wage endless war.
there can be no more deaths.
no more transfusions of blood for oil.

not in our name will you invade countries, bomb civilians, kill more children, letting history take its course over the graves of the nameless.

not in our name will you erode the very freedoms you have claimed to fight for.

not by our hands will we supply weapons and funding for the annihilation of families on foreign soil.

not by our mouths will we let fear silence us.

not by our hearts will we allow whole peoples or countries to be deemed evil.

not by our will and not in our name.

we pledge resistance.
we pledge alliance with those who have come under attack for voicing opposition to the war or for their religion or ethnicity.

we pldege to make common cause with the people of the world to bring about justice, freedom and peace.

another world is possible and we pledge to make it real.

~ Saul

"The Day"

The day is slipping away with lost love and forgotten promises. Put to hard labor: arms, backs, hearts and souls; the children feel the heavy blow. Dreams ground up and served on a platter ..."Here!" "Finish your plate and don't forget the starving children!" Families struggle under the weight of the curse. Attitudes left unchecked, unlike the oil in the cars. If God helped us, would we listen? If you listened to yourself, would you listen? Do we politely listen then go our own way? Somewhere we've lost our freedom. Somewhere we've lost our soul. Some are on the streets out of their wits; who are they talking to? The day is slipping away...

“The Wise King” from Kahlil Gibran’s The Madman

“The Wise King”

Once there ruled in the distant city of Wirani a king who was both mighty and wise. And he was feared for his might and loved for his wisdom.Now in the heart of the city was a well, whose water was cool and crystalline, from which all the inhabitants drank even the king and his courtiers, for there was no other well.

One night when all were asleep, a witch entered the city, and poured seven drops of strange liquid into the well, and said, “From this hour he who drinks this water shall become mad.”

Next morning all the inhabitants, save the king and his lord chamberlain, drank from the well and became mad, even as the witch had foretold.

And during that day the people in the narrow streets and in the market places did naught but whisper to one another, “The king is mad. Our king and his lord chamberlain have lost their reason. Surely we cannot be ruled by a mad king. We must dethrone him.”

That evening, the king ordered a golden goblet to be filled from the well, and when it was brought to him he drank deeply, and gave it to his lord chamberlain to drink.

And there was great rejoicing in that distant city of Wirani, because the king and its lord chamberlain had regained their reason.

"The Inner Child, Lost" AMBER ALERT

Happiness once lived in a child's eyes
till age crept in replaced it with lies
destroyed the dreams and shattered the will
till they drank from the cup never having their fill
mortality lingers and festers and rots
Perception my friend in a world of ink blots
To whom, and where do they turn
since the pilot light died?
They seek comfort from within
finds nothing but sadness inside

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Spoon-fed daily news while lungs inhale plumes of smoke--
the smoke of doubt
Row, row, row your boat... Into the ether,
we ride with naught,
save our hope-- Gently down the stream...
Freedom awaits us
but distant Illusion's restraint hinges upon belief--
Life is but a dream. Thoughts burn, thoughts turn
like pages,
years pass like a razor's edge--
We are on the edge,
of greatness
The black heart on life support



Monday, September 26, 2011


Poetry, is my mistress, my internet pornography, my secret vice,
her luscious curves, evoke every appetite she infects, every thought, every observation,
satisfies every, desire, I seek refuge, between her, legs,
she destroys, she creates, she protects, she loves me,
and I love, her


These are words for the words that have no meaning
or somehow get lost in the translation.
These are the expressions for the phrases just out of reach.
This is the moment we have been waiting for.
This is the breath you were holding.
This is the dream that wakes you sweaty and wound up.
This is the walk late in the evening that takes you near places you shouldn’t be.
These are sketches of melody etchings of sound tapestry wound.
This is the moment of absolution for all the lies told and believed.
These are the names you had forgotten.

This is love unrequited.


Poetry is like therapy, writing for eternities.
Feeling alive, I love to rhyme so sweet and bitter like lime, love for all times.
This my shit, you wish, I no longer reside here, but I am staying, staying clear to my mission of love for my people and hate for no one, writing is like breathing, making me healthy, deciphering my meaning….
I Love You Poetry..