Follow @ARenaissanceMan THE EXPRESSION: "State of Our Society - A High School Tirade - 2008 "

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I am a work in progress, striving to maximize my creative expression, as I endeavor to make the world a better place than I found it.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

"State of Our Society - A High School Tirade - 2008 "

The regular american citizen is like a cow grazing, unaware of what happens in the bigger picture. The regular american citizen sits on his couch, watches his favorite reality shows, gets double cheeseburguers from the dollar menu, goes out at night to see girls, that love to show themselves but wouldn't know what corporal contact with real affection really is (this mentality of showing off is another interesting topic about the country, even the buildings are like gigantic falic demonstrations), and lives a confortable life that demands no thinking whatsoever. Things are cheap, as are most of the people, things are easy (there are even vehicles for the obese inside the supermarkets) and almost every kind of process feeds itself back, growing larger without serving an ulterior purpose (the fashion industry is a good, although very small, example: the tendencies change each year, but what's pretty is pretty, what's ugly is ugly, and time won't change that). While the regular american citizen consumes, he is the gear that moves a huge machine, the big corporations. The big corporations, while formed by bovine citizens -- and not having a mind itself --, are still able to control people's mentality and attitude, only to grow larger and satisfy some kind of bizarre internal hunger.

Or you can think of it like this.

I believe sheep is the animal ... A regular american citizen is nothing more than sheep being herded by corporations and the media through their regular lives. Buying Ipods because they are "cool". Wearing a certain brand of clothing because people think its "cool". Buying Starbucks because the perception that it carries. Its funny because half of those starbucks customers bitch about how walmart is killing the regular mom and pop stores and then turn around and buy their coffee from the the corporation that is responsible for the same in the coffee shop industry.

Why? Just because thats the perception the media has continued to feed you. SHEEP. Sheep being herded along the way by what the media wants them to believe. Sheep that dont have the curiousity to actually think for themselves.

This is no different than politics. Why else do you think GW Bush was able to convince the entire country that Iraq did have the imaginary Weapons of Mass Destruction. Why is it that when you ask people why US invaded Iraq, their response is 9/11.

We have all lost sense of priority and value. To find it again we must find ourselves and realize the power and value we possess.

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